Solutions & Services


Traditional Broadcast solutions & services

OTT Platform & cloud solutions

Augmented & virtual Reality solutions

Digital media marketing

Distribution Of Content Globally


Why Techgist

Techgist is a growing Broadcast & Digital media Solution provider aiming to take the world of Indian broadcasts to international heights. We’re a one-stop shop for all solutions and services any media or broadcasting empire will ever require.

We’re the perfect partner for all your Technical requirements, from digital media services to Virtual Reality solutions. Our expertise in media architecture has allowed us to provide an array of services such as broadcast solutions, OTT solutions, Cloud solutions, Augmented reality solutions, etc. We’ve learned to design innovative solutions and implement them seamlessly into any media empire.





Our Expertise

Trunky TV channel installation &

We have experts to design, integrate and commission the trunky TV channel projects under the pre-defined budget. We provide all kind of products; solutions & services require to run a TV channel.

Live event streaming &

Live stream your event with a global audience. Our expertise in real time streaming means low latency &high quality.

OTT platform for IOS/Android
& smart tv

Development & innovation are our key strengths, we can build any kind of APP & Web for your business i.e. ecommerce, OTT Video/audioplatform,e-magazine etc. with the artificial intelligence for the analytics & Business information.

Cloud solutions

We believe to expenses less on CAPEX and high on OPEX therefore we build solutions on OPEX based model with IaaS, SaaS & PaaS services.

Interactive solutions with AR/VR & AI

Enhance your user experience by adding VR, AI, and AR to your list. We can help to create content that is compatible with any interactive media.

Digital Marketing

Want to re-establish your digital presence? Use our expert’s knowledge to plan, upgrade and execute your existing digital marketing strategy.

Project management

Live streaming events or launching a new OTT platform are not small projects. Have our experts guide you as you explore this new arena.

Training & site
acceptance documentation

Compliance with regulatory bodies is a must for all companies in the media. Hire our services to ensure all your documentation is in order.

Managed Services

Facing technical issues with your streaming? Techgist can help you solve any broadcasting issue you have. We provide 24x7 on-site support to all our clients.

Global Technology Partner

Techgist’s partnership with the Swiss media company, IKO Media Group, will take the world of traditional broadcasting to a new level!. IKO Media Group (IKOMG) houses over 220 globally broadcasted TV channels. With IKOMG’s global reach and Techgist’s experience in local broadcasting, Indian content can now be broadcasted internationally. With various format and platform options available, over 70 channels can be transmitted in high definition to international viewers.

Techgist’s cloud-based distribution method transmits content to 35+ satellite platforms. Take advantage of this increased viewership option and build a wide viewer base.

Satellite transmission services

Cloud Playout services

Fibre Channel and IP delivery

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